Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | App\Entity\Contact\Contact {#1951 -id: null -name: null -email: null -entreprise: null -phone: null -emailHoneypot: null -message: null -isAccepted: null -createdAt: null -origin: null -originId: null } |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
action | "#sectionContact" |
same as passed value |
data | App\Entity\Contact\Contact {#1951 -id: null -name: null -email: null -entreprise: null -phone: null -emailHoneypot: null -message: null -isAccepted: null -createdAt: null -origin: null -originId: null } |
same as passed value |
origin | Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1776 +name: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" +namespace: "App\Entity\Pages" +rootEntityName: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" +customGeneratorDefinition: null +customRepositoryClassName: "App\Repository\Pages\PageCategoryRepository" +isMappedSuperclass: false +isEmbeddedClass: false +parentClasses: [] +subClasses: [] +embeddedClasses: [] +namedQueries: [] +namedNativeQueries: [] +sqlResultSetMappings: [] +identifier: [ "id" ] +inheritanceType: 1 +generatorType: 4 +fieldMappings: [ "id" => [ "fieldName" => "id" "type" => "integer" "scale" => null "length" => null "unique" => false "nullable" => false "precision" => null "id" => true "columnName" => "id" ] "type" => [ "fieldName" => "type" "type" => "string" "scale" => null "length" => 255 "unique" => false "nullable" => true "precision" => null "columnName" => "type" ] "isEnable" => [ "fieldName" => "isEnable" "type" => "boolean" "scale" => null "length" => null "unique" => false "nullable" => true "precision" => null "columnName" => "is_enable" ] "createdAt" => [ "fieldName" => "createdAt" "type" => "datetime" "scale" => null "length" => null "unique" => false "nullable" => true "precision" => null "columnName" => "created_at" ] "updatedAt" => [ "fieldName" => "updatedAt" "type" => "datetime" "scale" => null "length" => null "unique" => false "nullable" => true "precision" => null "columnName" => "updated_at" ] "deletedAt" => [ "fieldName" => "deletedAt" "type" => "datetime" "scale" => null "length" => null "unique" => false "nullable" => true "precision" => null "columnName" => "deleted_at" ] ] +fieldNames: [ "id" => "id" "type" => "type" "is_enable" => "isEnable" "created_at" => "createdAt" "updated_at" => "updatedAt" "deleted_at" => "deletedAt" ] +columnNames: [ "id" => "id" "type" => "type" "isEnable" => "is_enable" "createdAt" => "created_at" "updatedAt" => "updated_at" "deletedAt" => "deleted_at" ] +discriminatorValue: null +discriminatorMap: [] +discriminatorColumn: null +table: [ "name" => "page_category" ] +lifecycleCallbacks: [] +entityListeners: [] +associationMappings: [ "pageCategoryLang" => [ "fieldName" => "pageCategoryLang" "mappedBy" => "pageCategory" "targetEntity" => "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategoryLang" "cascade" => [ "persist" ] "orphanRemoval" => true "fetch" => 2 "type" => 4 "inversedBy" => null "isOwningSide" => false "sourceEntity" => "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" "isCascadeRemove" => true "isCascadePersist" => true "isCascadeRefresh" => false "isCascadeMerge" => false "isCascadeDetach" => false ] "pageSousCategories" => [ "fieldName" => "pageSousCategories" "mappedBy" => "category" "targetEntity" => "App\Entity\Pages\PageSousCategory" "cascade" => [] "orphanRemoval" => true "fetch" => 2 "type" => 4 "inversedBy" => null "isOwningSide" => false "sourceEntity" => "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" "isCascadeRemove" => true "isCascadePersist" => false "isCascadeRefresh" => false "isCascadeMerge" => false "isCascadeDetach" => false ] ] +isIdentifierComposite: false +containsForeignIdentifier: false +containsEnumIdentifier: false +idGenerator: Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator {#1789 …} +sequenceGeneratorDefinition: null +tableGeneratorDefinition: null +changeTrackingPolicy: 1 +requiresFetchAfterChange: false +isVersioned: false +versionField: null +cache: null +reflClass: ReflectionClass {#1791 …} +isReadOnly: false #namingStrategy: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\UnderscoreNamingStrategy {#1218 …} +reflFields: [ "id" => Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\RuntimeReflectionProperty {#1779 +name: "id" +class: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" -key: "\x00App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory\x00id" : "private" : [ ReflectionAttribute {#3455 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id" : [] } ReflectionAttribute {#3457 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue" : [] } ReflectionAttribute {#3470 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column" : [] } ] } "type" => Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\RuntimeReflectionProperty {#1780 +name: "type" +class: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" -key: "\x00App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory\x00type" : "private" : [ ReflectionAttribute {#3435 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column" : [ "length" => 255 "nullable" => true ] } ] } "isEnable" => Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\RuntimeReflectionProperty {#1788 +name: "isEnable" +class: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" -key: "\x00App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory\x00isEnable" : "private" : [ ReflectionAttribute {#3491 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column" : [ "nullable" => true ] } ] } "createdAt" => Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\RuntimeReflectionProperty {#1782 +name: "createdAt" +class: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" -key: "\x00App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory\x00createdAt" : "private" : [ ReflectionAttribute {#3493 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column" : [ "type" => "datetime" "nullable" => true ] } ] } "updatedAt" => Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\RuntimeReflectionProperty {#1783 +name: "updatedAt" +class: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" -key: "\x00App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory\x00updatedAt" : "private" : [ ReflectionAttribute {#3488 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column" : [ "type" => "datetime" "nullable" => true ] } ] } "deletedAt" => Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\RuntimeReflectionProperty {#1784 +name: "deletedAt" +class: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" -key: "\x00App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory\x00deletedAt" : "private" : [ ReflectionAttribute {#3499 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column" : [ "type" => "datetime" "nullable" => true ] } ] } "pageCategoryLang" => Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\TypedNoDefaultReflectionProperty {#1786 +name: "pageCategoryLang" +class: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" -key: "\x00App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory\x00pageCategoryLang" : "private" : [ ReflectionAttribute {#3504 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany" : [ "mappedBy" => "pageCategory" "targetEntity" => "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategoryLang" "orphanRemoval" => true "cascade" => [ "persist" ] ] } ] } "pageSousCategories" => Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\TypedNoDefaultReflectionProperty {#1787 +name: "pageSousCategories" +class: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" -key: "\x00App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory\x00pageSousCategories" : "private" : [ ReflectionAttribute {#3503 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany" : [ "mappedBy" => "category" "targetEntity" => "App\Entity\Pages\PageSousCategory" "orphanRemoval" => true ] } ] } ] -instantiator: Doctrine\Instantiator\Instantiator {#1777 …} -typedFieldMapper: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultTypedFieldMapper {#1778 …} } |
same as passed value |
originId | 42 |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "#sectionContact" |
allow_extra_fields | true |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | false |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#2003 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#2004 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#2005 …} -namespace: Closure() {#2007 …} } |
data | App\Entity\Contact\Contact {#1951 -id: null -name: null -email: null -entreprise: null -phone: null -emailHoneypot: null -message: null -isAccepted: null -createdAt: null -origin: null -originId: null } |
data_class | "App\Entity\Contact\Contact" |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#2045 : "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" : Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1973 …} : { : "App\Entity\Contact\Contact" } } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
idLangue | null |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
origin | Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1776 +name: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" +namespace: "App\Entity\Pages" +rootEntityName: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" +customGeneratorDefinition: null +customRepositoryClassName: "App\Repository\Pages\PageCategoryRepository" +isMappedSuperclass: false +isEmbeddedClass: false +parentClasses: [] +subClasses: [] +embeddedClasses: [] +namedQueries: [] +namedNativeQueries: [] +sqlResultSetMappings: [] +identifier: [ "id" ] +inheritanceType: 1 +generatorType: 4 +fieldMappings: [ "id" => [ "fieldName" => "id" "type" => "integer" "scale" => null "length" => null "unique" => false "nullable" => false "precision" => null "id" => true "columnName" => "id" ] "type" => [ "fieldName" => "type" "type" => "string" "scale" => null "length" => 255 "unique" => false "nullable" => true "precision" => null "columnName" => "type" ] "isEnable" => [ "fieldName" => "isEnable" "type" => "boolean" "scale" => null "length" => null "unique" => false "nullable" => true "precision" => null "columnName" => "is_enable" ] "createdAt" => [ "fieldName" => "createdAt" "type" => "datetime" "scale" => null "length" => null "unique" => false "nullable" => true "precision" => null "columnName" => "created_at" ] "updatedAt" => [ "fieldName" => "updatedAt" "type" => "datetime" "scale" => null "length" => null "unique" => false "nullable" => true "precision" => null "columnName" => "updated_at" ] "deletedAt" => [ "fieldName" => "deletedAt" "type" => "datetime" "scale" => null "length" => null "unique" => false "nullable" => true "precision" => null "columnName" => "deleted_at" ] ] +fieldNames: [ "id" => "id" "type" => "type" "is_enable" => "isEnable" "created_at" => "createdAt" "updated_at" => "updatedAt" "deleted_at" => "deletedAt" ] +columnNames: [ "id" => "id" "type" => "type" "isEnable" => "is_enable" "createdAt" => "created_at" "updatedAt" => "updated_at" "deletedAt" => "deleted_at" ] +discriminatorValue: null +discriminatorMap: [] +discriminatorColumn: null +table: [ "name" => "page_category" ] +lifecycleCallbacks: [] +entityListeners: [] +associationMappings: [ "pageCategoryLang" => [ "fieldName" => "pageCategoryLang" "mappedBy" => "pageCategory" "targetEntity" => "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategoryLang" "cascade" => [ "persist" ] "orphanRemoval" => true "fetch" => 2 "type" => 4 "inversedBy" => null "isOwningSide" => false "sourceEntity" => "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" "isCascadeRemove" => true "isCascadePersist" => true "isCascadeRefresh" => false "isCascadeMerge" => false "isCascadeDetach" => false ] "pageSousCategories" => [ "fieldName" => "pageSousCategories" "mappedBy" => "category" "targetEntity" => "App\Entity\Pages\PageSousCategory" "cascade" => [] "orphanRemoval" => true "fetch" => 2 "type" => 4 "inversedBy" => null "isOwningSide" => false "sourceEntity" => "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" "isCascadeRemove" => true "isCascadePersist" => false "isCascadeRefresh" => false "isCascadeMerge" => false "isCascadeDetach" => false ] ] +isIdentifierComposite: false +containsForeignIdentifier: false +containsEnumIdentifier: false +idGenerator: Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator {#1789 …} +sequenceGeneratorDefinition: null +tableGeneratorDefinition: null +changeTrackingPolicy: 1 +requiresFetchAfterChange: false +isVersioned: false +versionField: null +cache: null +reflClass: ReflectionClass {#1791 …} +isReadOnly: false #namingStrategy: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\UnderscoreNamingStrategy {#1218 …} +reflFields: [ "id" => Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\RuntimeReflectionProperty {#1779 +name: "id" +class: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" -key: "\x00App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory\x00id" : "private" : [ ReflectionAttribute {#3455 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id" : [] } ReflectionAttribute {#3457 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue" : [] } ReflectionAttribute {#3470 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column" : [] } ] } "type" => Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\RuntimeReflectionProperty {#1780 +name: "type" +class: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" -key: "\x00App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory\x00type" : "private" : [ ReflectionAttribute {#3435 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column" : [ "length" => 255 "nullable" => true ] } ] } "isEnable" => Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\RuntimeReflectionProperty {#1788 +name: "isEnable" +class: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" -key: "\x00App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory\x00isEnable" : "private" : [ ReflectionAttribute {#3491 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column" : [ "nullable" => true ] } ] } "createdAt" => Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\RuntimeReflectionProperty {#1782 +name: "createdAt" +class: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" -key: "\x00App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory\x00createdAt" : "private" : [ ReflectionAttribute {#3493 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column" : [ "type" => "datetime" "nullable" => true ] } ] } "updatedAt" => Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\RuntimeReflectionProperty {#1783 +name: "updatedAt" +class: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" -key: "\x00App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory\x00updatedAt" : "private" : [ ReflectionAttribute {#3488 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column" : [ "type" => "datetime" "nullable" => true ] } ] } "deletedAt" => Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\RuntimeReflectionProperty {#1784 +name: "deletedAt" +class: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" -key: "\x00App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory\x00deletedAt" : "private" : [ ReflectionAttribute {#3499 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column" : [ "type" => "datetime" "nullable" => true ] } ] } "pageCategoryLang" => Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\TypedNoDefaultReflectionProperty {#1786 +name: "pageCategoryLang" +class: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" -key: "\x00App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory\x00pageCategoryLang" : "private" : [ ReflectionAttribute {#3504 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany" : [ "mappedBy" => "pageCategory" "targetEntity" => "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategoryLang" "orphanRemoval" => true "cascade" => [ "persist" ] ] } ] } "pageSousCategories" => Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\TypedNoDefaultReflectionProperty {#1787 +name: "pageSousCategories" +class: "App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory" -key: "\x00App\Entity\Pages\PageCategory\x00pageSousCategories" : "private" : [ ReflectionAttribute {#3503 : "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany" : [ "mappedBy" => "category" "targetEntity" => "App\Entity\Pages\PageSousCategory" "orphanRemoval" => true ] } ] } ] -instantiator: Doctrine\Instantiator\Instantiator {#1777 …} -typedFieldMapper: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultTypedFieldMapper {#1778 …} } |
originId | 42 |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | "forms" |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2043 : "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" : Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#2014 …} : { : Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#1647 …} : "validators" : Closure() {#2044 …} } } |
user | null |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "#sectionContact" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "contact" "_contact" ] |
cache_key | "_contact_contact" |
compound | true |
data | App\Entity\Contact\Contact {#1951 -id: null -name: null -email: null -entreprise: null -phone: null -emailHoneypot: null -message: null -isAccepted: null -createdAt: null -origin: null -originId: null } |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2827 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2155 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2313 …5} |
full_name | "contact" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "contact" |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "contact" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | "forms" |
unique_block_prefix | "_contact" |
valid | true |
value | App\Entity\Contact\Contact {#1951 -id: null -name: null -email: null -entreprise: null -phone: null -emailHoneypot: null -message: null -isAccepted: null -createdAt: null -origin: null -originId: null } |